
  • 吉田 卓弥
    (株) 日立製作所日立研究所エネルギー・環境研究部
  • 小関 康雄
    (株) 日立製作所日立研究所エネルギー・環境研究部
  • 福本 千尋
    (株) 日立製作所機電事業部環境システム部
  • 小泉 達也
    (株) 日立製作所機電事業部環境システム部


  • An Advanced Air-sorting Method to Separate Shredded Aluminum and Copper Waste
  • アルミ ドウ ノ フウリョク センベツ ニ オケル セイノウ ノ キソ トクセ



Air-sorting is widely used for solid wastes separation for its low-cost and easy-operation. However, it has the disadvantage of unstable performance due to fluctuation in the properties of fed materials, such as particle size and shape. Yet, little is known about the characteristics of air-sorting, and factors which affect separation efficiency have not been clearly reported. This paper presents some findings on the basic characteristics of air-sorting, and a new method for separating shredded aluminum and copper with a high separation efficiency. Preliminary tests to examine the relationship between recovery ratio and wind velocity showed that recovery ratio can be described as an integral calculus of normal distribution as a function of wind velocity. Experiments using rectangular block samples to study the effect of particle shape showed that the wind velocity whereat the particles are blown-up depends on the thickness of particle. This characteristic was supported by a calculation based on a terminal velocity equation. Based on these findings, three alternative air-sorting methods were suggested and tested. A proposed method to roll feeds before sorting showed high separation efficiency with a maximum aluminum and copper recovery ratio of 98-99%, which is higher than 87% of the conventional method.


  • 廃棄物学会論文誌

    廃棄物学会論文誌 9 (2-3), 95-103, 1998

    一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会

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