Relationship between Sense of Balance and phonological awareness in normal children under school age

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  • 幼児期のバランス感覚と音韻意識の関連性
  • ヨウジキ ノ バランス カンカク ト オンイン イシキ ノ カンレンセイ

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The purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between the postural sway rate (ENV. Area) and higher brain function (level of phonological awareness, level of drawing ability, and intellectual level) in normal children under school age. We also tried to examine the possibility of dyslexia screening using ENV. The test items were used 1) measurement of physical fitness,2) height and weight, 3) postural sway, 4) a phonological test, 5) a drawing test and 6) an intelligence test in 291 children at a kindergarten. Correlation analyses for age and other test items were related to all them. The phonological awareness was related to ENV. Two groups (a higher ENV and a lower ENV) were compared with a t-test and the results showed a significant difference. The group with a higher ENV score showed higher scores in phonological awareness. From these results, the possibility of ENV measure was discussed in relation to employ as a dyslexia screening test item.


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