Community, Choice, and Identity

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  • 生き甲斐としてのコミュニティ
  • イキガイ ト シテ ノ コミュニティ

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"Community" is now attached an (exaggerated) importance as a field where civic public sphere establishes itself. It is because more citizens find neither "State" nor "Market" is free from serious limitations in this complex world.<br>Commitment to "Community" is, however, no more than a personal choice. There exists a serious cognitive gap about the importance of community between the people who commit to their community and the people who do not. For full understanding of the present state of community in Japan's society, it is necessary for scholars to see more than "living for community" by the former people.


  • The Sociology of Law

    The Sociology of Law 2001 (55), 56-70,248, 2001

    The Japanese Association of Sociology of Law

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