

  • Operation of heterotropic triple primary carcinoma
  • ゲンパツセイ サンチョウフク ガン ノ シュジュツレイ ショウレイ ホウコク
  • A case report and review of the literature
  • 症例報告並びに本邦報告例の分析



We had an experience with a 53-year-old patient with triple cancer that was resected separately during 1 year and 3 months. It was a combination of stomach cancer, skin cancer and esophagus cancer. Stomach cancer showes poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. Skin cancer showed well differetiated squamous cell carcionoma with marked cornification. Esophagus cancer showed well defferentiated squamous cell carcinoma with pearl formation. We confirmed that these were independent primary cancers. A review of the literature in Japan revealed 84 reported case of heterotropic triple primary malignant neoplasms. However, there were only 7 cases, including our case, of which all of triple primary cancer resectes. The incidence and the course of multiple cancer is discussed. Many authors consider that the incidence of triple cancer is equal or slightly higher than the enbic value of the incidence of primary cancer. The possible influence of heredity, constitution, immune, irradiation, hormone, carcinogenic agents and others on the occurrence of multiple cancer are considered.



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