- 立山 徳子
- 関東学院大学人間環境学部人間環境デザイン学科
- タイトル別名
- Urbanism and Family Network for Childcare
- トシド ベツ ニ ミタ セタイ ナイ ネットワーク ト コソダテ トシン コウガイ ソンラク カン ノ ヒカク ケントウ
This study concerns ‘Family-Community Questions’. I have observed that urbanism (the study of central urban areas, suburbs, and rural areas) is relevant to family networks within households on the matter of childcare by examining the data sets of 1135 subjects in Kanagawa Prefecture who are mothers with a 3 to 5 year-old child.<br>The findings are as follows: 1) Urbanism, by itself, is not relevant to family networks but it is strongly relevant to the husband's work style: Suburban husbands are less supportive of childcare as compared to husbands in central urban and rural areas. 2) In three-generation families, urbanism is not relevant to the parents' support, but it is to the husband's support. Thus, family support in households, comprising the husband's and the parents' support, is directly relevant to the husband's work style. 3) Finally, both the husband's support and family support are relevant to childcare isolation. This relevance is prominent, especially in the case of suburban families. In conclusion, the husband's work-life balance is the essential variable for the family network, and it is the main family issue in urban space.
- 家族社会学研究
家族社会学研究 22 (1), 77-88, 2010
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390001205315422336
- 130000662924
- AN10092691
- 18839290
- 0916328X
- 10693090
- データソース種別
- JaLC
- NDLサーチ
- Crossref
- CiNii Articles
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