Quantitative Analysis of the Organic Resource Supply and Demand Balance in Agricultural Areas: Assessment of the Material Balance in Dairy Farming and Dry Field Farming in Hokkaido Town A
- Murakami Masatoshi
- Chiiki Keikaku Center Co., Ltd.
- Yoshida Fumikazu
- School of Public Policy, Hokkaido University
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- Other Title
- 農村地域における有機性資源需給バランスの定量分析―北海道A町における酪農経営と畑作経営の物質収支評価を事例として―
- ノウソン チイキ ニ オケル ユウキセイ シゲン ジュキュウ バランス ノ テイリョウ ブンセキ ホッカイドウ Aチョウ ニ オケル ラクノウ ケイエイ ト ハタサク ケイエイ ノ ブッシツ シュウシ ヒョウカ オ ジレイ ト シテ
- Quantitative Analysis of the Organic Resource Supply and Demand Balance in Agricultural Areas
- —Assessment of the Material Balance in Dairy Farming and Dry Field Farming in Hokkaido Town A—
- ――北海道A町における酪農経営と畑作経営の物質収支<BR>評価を事例として――
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In a case study of a mixed dry field and dairy farming area in Hokkaido, we used a questionnaire to ascertain how farmers manage and use livestock waste, straw and other organic resources. Then, from a material balance perspective, we attempted to assess the supply-demand balance of organic resources between raising livestock and dry-field farming.<BR>We found that the local cyclical use of composted livestock waste by dry-field farmers has made little progress, primarily due to a quality problem created by weed seeds mixed into the compost and the pattern that the more cattle a dairy farmer has, the smaller the amount of farmland available per head, causing a greater tendency to purchase straw and other resources from outside the area. This creates an input-output imbalance that increases the environmental burden.<BR>In addition, this study confirmed that the appropriate local cyclical use of resources requires securing about 1 ha of feed-growing land per cow. Moreover, when ascertaining the environmental burdens of farms, applying a method based on the farm gate balance method, which uses data from production history ledgers, was found to be effective.
- Journal of the Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management
Journal of the Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management 20 (5), 279-290, 2009
Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001205315712640
- NII Article ID
- 10025441082
- NII Book ID
- AA12384878
- 1:CAS:528:DC%2BD1MXhs1Sksb7P
- 18835899
- 18835856
- 2115/50811
- 10615375
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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