

  • Expansion of Precut Manufacturing and Lumber Distribution
  • プレカットカ ノ シンコウ ト モクザイ リュウツウ



Precut manufacturing of wooden houses with post and beam structure has been becoming more and more popular since the beginning of 1990s. This paper firstly outlines how precut manufacturing has expanded mainly by reviewing literature. Second, using data from interviews with the operators of precut mills, what distribution channel they prefer to choose when they purchase lumber for precut is clarified. Finally, how expansion of precut manufacturing will influence on the traditional lumber distribution system is discussed. House builders, especially of large-scale, actively adopted precut manufacturing into their house construction system after the mid 1980s, because it could reduce construction cost and shorten the term of works as well as keep the quality of the houses they build homogeneous. In the 1990s, medium-scale and small-scale builders began to adopt precut manufacturing and the precut ratio increased. On the other hand, precut mills expanded their scale by equipping full-automatic precut system of high-performance as well as increased in number. Scale expansion made it easy for precut mills to purchase lumber directly from manufacturers or through primary trading companies, which would make it possible to reduce purchasing price and stabilize the transaction in price, quantity and quality. Consequently, simplification of lumber distribution system has been going on. New regulations on house construction was enforced in 2000. It requires that lumber for house construction should have high quality in strength and form stability. This will have influence on the distribution system and industrial structure of domestic lumber.


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