Study on Generation Mechanisms of Tsunami Resistance of Gentle Slope Revetment

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  • ツナミ ニ タイスル カンケイシャテイ ノ ネバリズヨサ ノ メカニズム ニ カンスル コウサツ

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Many coastal structures, especially embankment and revetment, were damaged seriously by Tsunami of Tohoku Earthquake occurred at March 11, 2011. However, many Gentle Slope-type Revetments were not broken and remain the function of disaster prevention. In this study, we focused generation mechanism of robustness of Gentle Slope-type Revetments to overflowing tsunami on the basis of field observation in Miyagi Prefecture and numerical analysis.The field observation revealed that almost no Gentle Slope-type Revetments were broken. Numerical results suggest that the robustness of the Gentle Slope Revetments is due to the decrease in the water surface elevation of the overflow and the landside scour depth.


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