Study on Accuracy Estimation of Curents by Ocean Radar in the ISE Bay

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  • 伊勢湾の海洋レーダで得られた流速の精度評価法の検討
  • イセワン ノ カイヨウ レーダ デ エラレタ リュウソク ノ セイド ヒョウカホウ ノ ケントウ

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 We evaluated the accuracy ratio between tidal levels and currents by MILT Ocean Radar in the ISE bay for data assimilations. We calculated variance-covariance from 13 tidal constituents of M2, S2, K1 and O1 for tidal levels and velocities in sequential every 151 days for about 6 years from 22nd Apr. 2008 to 8th Oct. 2013. Since the tidal constituents of M2, K1 and O1 for tidal levels show periodicities by 18.6-year period lunar nodal tidal cycle, a f-value for amplitude in 18.6-year period, correction is required in order to evaluate the variance. The variance-covariance of currents represents similar to the geometric dilution of precision calculated4) by the angle of beams and suggest the positions at which the radial velocities could not be measured. The ratio of variance-covariance of M2 and O1 constituents between tidal levels and currents is potentially applied to the accuracy ratio between them for data assimilations, because M2 and O1 constituents do not represent seasonal and annual variations unlike O1 and K1.



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