Influence of Water Temperature and Salinity on Suspended Solids Feeding Activity of Styela plicata Attaching to Coastal Structure Wall Surface

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  • 海岸構造物壁面に付着するシロボヤの懸濁物摂餌活性に及ぼす水温,塩分の影響
  • カイガン コウゾウブツ ヘキメン ニ フチャク スル シロボヤ ノ ケンダクブツセツジ カッセイ ニ オヨボス スイオン,エンブン ノ エイキョウ

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Styela plicata inhabits the area along the shore, it is filter feeder and attaches to the surface of coastal structure wall. This study aims to clarify influence of water temperature and salinity on suspended solids feeding activity of S. plicata. When water temperature decreased from 20℃ to 10℃, the amount of filtered water and food consumption of S. plicata decreased to about half. On the other hand, both made a little difference when water temperature increased from 20℃ to 25℃. In addition, the amount of filtered water and food consumption of S. plicata increased in proportion to wet weight, but when salinity decreased from 30 psu to 20 psu, both decreased, and there were not the relations with the wet weight, and it was with a constant value.



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