Study on Filter-Feeding Disability of Ruditapes philippinarum by Hypoxic Water

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  • 貧酸素によるアサリのろ水機能への後遺障害に関する研究
  • ヒンサンソ ニ ヨル アサリ ノ ロミズ キノウ エ ノ ゴイショウガイ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ

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This study was conducted monthly investigation of R. philippinarum density along with measurement of DO, temperature and salinity in Omaehama beach from 2006 to 2008. Filtered function and recovery process of R. philippinarum were measured in hypoxic and anoxic condition. R. philippinarum which exposed by hypoxia and anoxic water was put in the sufficient oxygen water and feeding activity was measured every few days. It is revealed that hypoxic water decreased a filtered function of R, philippinarum for a long term. In the anoxic water, the number of R. philippinarum dying increased and filter-feeding activity never recovered. Consequently, it indicated that filter-feeding activity of R. philippinarum could not be expected even though it would survive in hypoxic and anoxic water



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