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  • Evaluation System for Reflection Coefficient of Seawall with Accumulative Damage of Armor Layers
  • ゴガン ヒフクコウ ノ ルイセキ ソンショウ ニ トモナウ ハンシャリツ ノ ヒョウカ システム ニ ツイテ



This study aims to develop a performance evaluation system of seawall with the accumulative damage of armor layer. Firstly, numerical experiments are conducted to investigate the variations of reflection coefficient of the seawall under condition of the damage progression of an armor layer. The results of numerical experiments show that there are not the regressive prediction properties between the reflection coefficient and the damage parameter of armor layer. Secondly, a neural network system is applied to evaluate the causal relation of the reflection coefficient and the accumulative damage parameter. The neural network with a three-layer calibrated by the numerical experiments can predict the reflection coefficient of seawall under the damage progression of armor layer within about 5% error.


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