

  • One Structural Characteristic of Grass-Roots in DKI Jakarta
  • ジャカルタ トクベツシュウ ニ オケル グラス ルーツ ノ イチコウゾウテキ
  • The PKK Movement
  • PKKの活動を中心として



PKK movement, which covers the entire nation of Indonesia begining from the early 1970s, is basically a movement oriented by the administrative. The main activity of PKK movement can be said to have two characters. On one hand, it is a movement of "force from the above" for the sake of national projects or national policies implementation. On the other hand, from the point of view of the area concerned, it is a movement of "mobilization from the bottom" of human resource. Furthermore, the overall structure of leadership within the PKK has a tendency of being under the control of the administrative.<BR>However, in some villages (desa), PKK become the medium for women empowerment, and as a consequence, old customs (adat) that have been strictly observed by the people, begin to deteriorate.<BR>In case of DKI Jakarta, contrary to what has been, the PKK movement is changing more and more into leadership which is not an obligation one, but more of leadership for self fulfilment and self actualisation. Nevertheless, the grass-roots in PKK still has its feet deeply rooted in what Benedict Anderson said as "a multi-layer group structure signified by its 'patron-client' relations".


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