

  • The Historical Significance of the "Wayo" Concept
  • 「和与」概念成立の歴史的意義--法曹至要抄にみる法創造の一断面
  • ワヨ ガイネン セイリツ ノ レキシテキ イギ ホウソウ シヨウ ショウ ニ
  • An Aspect of the Law in "Hossoushiyoushou"
  • 法曹至要抄にみる法創造の一断面



"Wayo" emerged as a legal concept in Japanese society in the 12th century, where existed a system of grants and donations by means of estates and posts. "Wayo" refered to binding contracts for the transfer of property. This "Wayo" concept curtailed the use of actions called "Ranso". Although the concept had a legal basis in the Meireiritsu Art. 32, in practice it was created by the reasoning of judicial officials and later it was received in the law of the Kamakura Shogunate in the form of the legal principle of "Wayomotsufukaikan" (once the property was transferred, the contract could not be cancelled) and it survived through the Medieval Ages. Without understanding this legal term, we can not get a complete picture of Japanese medieval society.


  • 法制史研究

    法制史研究 1997 (47), 63-85,en4, 1998-03-30

    Japan Legal History Association

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