試験用自動フライ装置によるフライ油の変質について (第2報)


  • Studies on the Deterioration of Frying Oils in Automatic Test Fryer. II.
  • シケンヨウ ジドウ フライ ソウチ ニ ヨル フライユ ノ ヘンシツ ニ ツイテ 2 カネツ ホウホウ ノ エイキョウ
  • Method of Heating
  • 加熱方法の影響



The influence of heating method to the deterioration of frying oils during deep fat frying was examined in the three automatic test fryers with different method of heating, indirect heating system with Kanechlor, direct heating system with gas burner and heating tube system with gas burner (Fig.-1, 2, 3, Table-1). As a result, the apparent rate of deterioration increased in the order of direct heating, indirect heating and heating tube system. However, in this examination, the frying conditions such as specific surface area exposed to air, quantity of water vaporized and fat turnover rate were not the same. <BR>The further examination was carried out under equalized condition of main factors which affecting to the rate of fat deterioration with the indirect heating system and the direct heating system (Table-2, Fig.-4, 5). In the case of small thermal load, the rate of fat deterioration was almostly the same for the both heating methods. This fact may indicate that if the condition of main factors are the same, the rate of fat deterioration is also the same, regardless of the method of heating. However, in the case of large thermal load, a considerable difference was observed between the both heating methods. In the case of indirect heating system, by increasing the thermal load the fat turnover rate became greater, resulting the fat deterioration smaller and good frying quality was maintained during deep fat frying. On the other hand, in the case of direct heating system, the increase of acid value was observed in the last stage of test, and colour development and lowering of fat stability to autoxidation resulted. This fact may indicate that in the case of direct heating system, by the increase of thermal load, a remarkable over heating at the heating surface resulted thermalpolymerization and scission and thus the acids from scission induced the subsequent hydrolysis of fat. <BR>Accordingly, when the method of heating in a fryer is not proper and the temperature of heating surface rises over the temperature at which the scission of fat occurs, good frying quality will not be maintained during deep fat frying, resulting the deterioration by thermal decomposition, even if other factors are kept in good conditions.


  • 油化学

    油化学 17 (5), 295-299, 1968

    公益社団法人 日本油化学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

