水噴霧加熱法によるフライ油の変質について (第2報)


  • Studies on the Deterioration of Frying Oils in Continuous Water-spraying and Heating System. II.
  • ミズ フンム カネツホウ ニ ヨル フライユ ノ ヘンシツ ニ ツイテ 2 ミズ フンム カネツホウ オヨビ ミズ ノ ソンザイ シナイ レンゾク カネツホウ ニ オケル ダイズアブラ ノ カガクテキ , ブツリテキ ヘンカ ノ ヒカク
  • Chemical and Physical Changes of Soybean Oil Treated in the Continuous Water-spraying and Heating System Compared with that of Continuous Heating without. Water
  • 水噴霧加熱法および水の存在しない連続加熱法における大豆油の化学的, 物理的変化の比較



Chemical and physical changes of soybean oil were determined after treated in the continuous water-spraying and heating system reported in previous paper and in the continuous heating without water, and the type of deterioration were compared between the both systems (Table-1, Fig.-15).<BR>In the presence of water, remarkable changes were observed in the increase of acid value, monoglyceride content and hydroxyl value. In parallel with this, a noticeable colour development were also observed. In the absence of water, however, these changes were very small. These facts indicate that the hydrolysis should not be disregarded in heating of frying oil in the existence of water. On the other hand, thermal oxidative changes in the presence of water about two times greater than without water. However, the effect on promotion of the thermal oxidation was considered as the increase of fat surface exposed in air by the physical agitation of oil during the boiling of discharged water.<BR>Accordingly, it was concluded that the major difference of deterioration of frying oil between continuous water-spraying and heating system and continuous heating system without water was the hydrolytic deterioration.


  • 油化学

    油化学 16 (7), 410-412, 1967

    公益社団法人 日本油化学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

