Determination of Solid Fat Content by NMR

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  • NMRによる固体脂含量の測定法
  • NMR ニ ヨル コタイシ ガンリョウ ノ ソクテイホウ ゴウドウ ジッケン
  • Collaborative Study
  • 合同実験結果について

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To establish a standard method for determing solid fat content, the NMR method was tested at six laboratories and the results were examined for collaboration.<BR>Two types of instruments, pulse NMR and wide-line NMR were used.<BR>Standard deviation in results at six laboratories was less than 1.5 for the step wise method, but more than 1.5 for the rapid method. The standard deviation in results at a single laboratory was much less than either of these cases.<BR>No significant difference could be observed in the values obtained using both instruments.<BR>Solid fat content values measured for a mixture of fully hydrogenated rapeseed and rapeseed oil agreed well with the percentage of solid by weight.


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