- KANNO Chiaki
- 筑波大学芸術系
- 筑波大学ビジネスサイエンス系
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- Other Title
- 「扶桑再遊記」にみる羅振玉と日本人
- 「扶桑再遊記」にみる羅振玉と日本人 : 社会的ネットワーク分析の視点から
- 「 フソウ サイユウキ 」 ニ ミル ラシンギョク ト ニホンジン : シャカイテキ ネットワーク ブンセキ ノ シテン カラ
- ―社会的ネットワーク分析の視点から―
- From the Perspective of Social Network Analysis
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<p>The influx of vast quantities of Chinese painting and calligraphy following the 1911 Revolution has long attracted attention as an epoch-making event in terms of the history of artwork collections and the history of cultural intercourse. Luo Zhenyu 羅振玉 (1866-1940), who had moved to Kyoto to escape the upheavals of the Revolution, has been regarded as one of those who played a central role in this influx of Chinese painting and calligraphy into Japan, and he also deserves special mention in view of the fact that he took a lead in publishing photographic reproductions of these works. But prior to the Revolution Luo Zhenyu had made a tour of inspection of Japan in his capacity as an official of the Qing dynasty, and chiefly through his contacts with Japanese living in Tokyo who were well versed in Chinese culture he had managed to view various Chinese artefacts that had come to Japan, such as painting and calligraphy, stone and metal inscriptions, and books. Details of this are recorded in his diary, “Fusang zaiyouji” 扶桑再遊記 (1909).</p><p> When analyzing the social network to be seen in this diary, the application of objective methods such as quantification becomes an issue. It would seem that it was the very structure of the network which was formed that had a greater influence on Luo Zhenyuʼs achievements during this visit to Japan than did the nature of his relations with individual Japanese with whom he came into contact. We consider the elucidation of this point to be also indispensable for gaining an understanding of his movements after he settled in Kyoto.</p><p> In view of the above, in this article we apply the method of “social network analysis,” a quantitative method of analysis that has proven to be successful in the social sciences, with the aim of clarifying the structural characteristics of Luo Zhenyuʼs network of Japanese acquaintances to be seen in the “Fusang zaiyouji.” We also examine the possibility that the structure of this network may have had an influence on the achievements of his visit to Japan.</p>
CALLIGRAPHIC STUDIES 2017 (27), 1-16,83, 2017
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001205336289408
- NII Article ID
- 130006528626
- NII Book ID
- AA11159934
- 18842550
- 18832784
- 032112645
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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