π-System Figuration for Open-shell Molecules Based on Nitronyl Nitroxide

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  • ニトロニルニトロキシドラジカルを基盤とした開殻π造形
  • ニトロニルニトロキシドラジカル オ キバン ト シタ カイカクpゾウケイ

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<p>Organic-based open-shell π-electronic molecules are promising components for next-generation electronic devices because of the diversity in their design. In the past two decades, nitronyl nitroxides and its related radicals were widely utilized for organic spin sources mainly because of their stability. These derivatives were generally prepared by the condensation reactions of a corresponding bis-hydroxylamine compound with various aldehydes followed by oxidation. However, the procedure was unsuccessful sometimes particularly when highly electron-donating or electron-accepting aromatic aldehydes were used. One of the key approaches for solving this problem is to develop metal-introduced nitronyl nitroxide at the C2 position: This radical-metal complex can be used as a stable equivalent of the C2-H deprotonated anion of the parent nitronyl nitroxide and can be applied to the cross-coupling reagent to introduce the nitronyl nitroxide skeleton in the reaction with aryl halides. We have also found that the developed radical-metal complexes have metal-dependent low oxidation potentials and one of them can be converted to a new iminonitroxide-Au trimer complex with a quartet ground state. Here, we report recent progress of synthetic methods of new functional nitronyl nitroxides as “π-system figuration for open-shell molecules” and their unique electrochemical and magnetic properties.</p>



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