

  • Malaria and the Early Holocene Wet Phase
  • 初期完新世湿潤期とマラリア : 先土器新石器時代に起きたヨルダン渓谷からヨルダン高地への集落シフトに関する一仮説
  • ショキカンシン セイ シツジュンキ ト マラリア : サキ ドキ シン セッキ ジダイ ニ オキタ ヨルダン ケイコク カラ ヨルダン コウチ エ ノ シュウラク シフト ニ カンスル イチ カセツ
  • 先土器新石器時代に起きたヨルダン渓谷からヨルダン高地への集落シフトに関する一仮説
  • A Hypothesis about the Neolithic Settlement Shift from the Jordan Valley to the Jordan Highland



The Southern Levant is the southwestern comer of the Fertile Crescent, a center where the domestication of animals and plants originated. In this region, the process of neolithization began in PrePottery Neolithic A (PPNA) . During PPNA, most farming villages were located in the Jordan Valley, which has an average elevation of 300 meters below sea level. But the villages shifted from the valley to the Jordan Plateau, which has an average elevation of 900 meters above sea level, during Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (PPNB). The main purpose of this paper is to advocate a new hypothesis about this settlement shift.This paper argues that the Early Holocene Wet Phase, which started during PPNB, changed the Jordan Valley into a region where malaria was hyperendemic. The early farmers probably abandoned the Jordan Valley and moved to the Jordan Plateau to avoid the malaria.


  • オリエント

    オリエント 55 (1), 36-46, 2012

    一般社団法人 日本オリエント学会

参考文献 (8)*注記



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