

  • Kakuban as seen in the <i>Hongan shonin gokajo no chushinjo</i>
  • ホンガン ショウニン ゴカジョウ チュウシンジョウ カラ ミタ カクバン



In the twelfth month of 1134, with the backing of the retired emperor Toba, the appointment of Kakuban as the abbot of both Kongobuji _??__??__??__??_ and Daidenbo-in _??__??__??__??_ was established. Two years later, from the third to the sixth months of 1136, disputes between the choja-gata _??__??__??_ faction (claiming that the abbot of Kongobu-ji must be the abbot [choja] of To-ji) and the Kakuban-gata _??__??__??_ faction (insisting that the abbot of both of the above should be a monk from Koyasan) expanded over the issue of the abbotship of Kongobu-ji. On the seventeenth day of the eleventh month of that year, Kakuban wrote the Hongan shonin gokajo no chushinjo _??__??__??__??__??__??__??__??__??__??_ to retired emperor Toba entreating him to affirm the appointment he had approved of in 1134. This text basically supports the Kakuban-gata position.<br>The Hongan shonin gokajo no chushinj? presents five points. It states that retired emperor Toba and Shingon Buddhism are, respectively, the highest of people and the highest of Buddhist schools. Since the highest person had already made recommendations for the highest Buddhist school in 1134, those decisions must stand unchanged regard less of any disputation. The appointment of people to administrative roles must be based not on seniority but on their wisdom _??_.<br>Kakuban's insistence on the importance of wisdom in this text is derived from the Dacheng liqiu liuboluomiduo jing _??__??__??__??__??__??__??__??__??__??_ (Taisho 261).


  • 密教文化

    密教文化 2006 (217), 79-109,142, 2006


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