

  • Dual Appointments to Kongobu-ji and Daidenbo-in
  • コンゴウブジ ダイ デンボウイン カン ノ リョウ ジ ケンカン ニ ツイテ



Daidenbo-in (_??__??__??__??_) of Koyasan became a temple independent of Kongobu-ji (_??__??__??__??_) as Kongobu-ji developed. After its independence, it remained in a relationship known as kyoza (_??__??_) with Kongobu-ji. The nature of that relationship is not clearly known.<br>Kakuban (_??__??_, 1095-1043), the abbot of Daidenbo-in, determined that in the clerical rankings of monks with appointments to both temples, the monks of Daidenbo-in would be in a superior position. This invited the antagonism of Kongobu-ji monks, and disputes continued at both temples until the move to Negoro (_??__??_).<br>The nature of the disputes between the two temples has been often understood as constituting actual armed combat. However, by examining the personnel composition of both temples, it is possible to locate many instances of monks serving in official capacities in both temples. Because of these dual appointments to both temples (_??__??__??__??_), out-right fighting between the two seems unlikely.<br>Future studies must approach the bilateral relations of the temples in light of these dual appointments and kyoza. The purpose of the present paper is to attempt an analysis of the dual appointments to both temples as a preliminary stage to that study.


  • 密教文化

    密教文化 2005 (215), 29-54,133, 2005


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