Identification of Field Specific Terms, Common Terms of Social Sciences, and Common Academic Terms in Fundamental Literature in Social Sciences

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  • 社会科学系基礎文献における分野別語彙、共通語彙、学術共通語彙の特定
  • 社会科学系基礎文献における分野別語彙、共通語彙、学術共通語彙の特定 : 定量的基準と教育現場の視点の統合
  • シャカイ カガクケイ キソ ブンケン ニ オケル ブンヤベツゴイ 、 キョウツウゴイ 、 ガクジュツ キョウツウゴイ ノ トクテイ : テイリョウテキ キジュン ト キョウイク ゲンバ ノ シテン ノ トウゴウ
  • 定量的基準と教育現場の視点の統合

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Contrary to usual expectations, international students, who have to read papers in social sciences, can rapidly understand and learn highly specialized terms in each field of their study, because they already know the notions expressed in the terms. Not surprisingly, they have greater difficulty in learning words, that are commonly used in all areas of social sciences, or in other academic fields. The present study seeks to identify, using a large corpus of data, three groups of words in the fundamental literature of the social sciences: field specific terms, terms in common in all the fields of social science, and the frequent words in all academic papers. In this analysis, a great importance is placed on the practical utility for the acquisition of vocabulary in these fields.


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