

  • Hasshin’s <i>Bonmōkyōchū</i>:
  • 法進撰『梵網經註』について : 佚文より窺われる特徴と最澄への影響
  • ホウ シンセン 『 ボンモウケイ チュウ 』 ニ ツイテ : イツブン ヨリ ウカガワレル トクチョウ ト サイチョウ エ ノ エイキョウ
  • ――佚文より窺われる特徵と最澄への影響――
  • Its Characteristics Represented in the Surviving Fragments and Its Influence on Saichō



<p>Following Gyōnen’s 凝然 words, it has been supposed that Hasshin’s 法進 Bonmōkyōchū 梵網経註 (Commentary on the Brahma Net Sutra) was based on Tiantai doctrine, and that it played a great role in making Saichō 最澄 recognize the value of Tiantai thought. But, based on the surviving fragments, this hypothesis cannot be confirmed. We can only point out that Saichō was probably moved by the tale of Nanyue Huisi’s 南嶽慧思 reincarnation as Shōtoku taishi 聖徳太子, and Hasshin’s admiration of Tiantai Zhiyi’s 智顗 achievement described in it. The influence on Saichō of Hasshin’s commentary was limited in comparison with the influence of Daoxuan’s道璿 commentary, for Daoxuan’s fundamental ideas, expressed in the text, and the “empty-sky immovable three kinds of practices” (kokū fudō no sangaku 虚空不動の三学) adopted from Zhiyi’s sayings, had a big influence on Saichō.</p>


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