Development of a Simulator for Cardiac Function Evaluation Before and After Left Ventricular Plasty Surgery

  • Tokuyasu Tatsushi
    Graduate course of Information Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology
  • 一矢 明人
  • Kitamura Tadashi
    Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology
  • Sakaguchi Gen'ichi
    Department. of Cardiovascular Surgery, Kurashiki Central Hospital
  • Komeda Masashi
    Department. of Cardiovascular Surgery, Graduate school of Medicine, Kyoto University

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Other Title
  • 左室形成術前後の心機能評価シミュレータの開発
  • サシツ ケイセイ ジュツゼン ゴ ノ シンキノウ ヒョウカ シミュレータ ノ カイハツ

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Myocardial infarction and dilated cardiomyopathy significantly impair patients' cardiac functions. For these diseases, l eft ventricular plasty surgery has been used as a substitution for heart transplants from the 1980s and is improved to enhance the surgical effects and safety. We present a simulation system that enables cardiovascular surgeons to estimate functional improvements of left heart due to left ventricular plasty. The cardiac functions are evaluated with a PV diagram including emax, a ratio of left ventricular pressure to volume at the end systole. A normal heart, myocardial infarction, and postoperative heart were built on the finite element method (FEM). It was assumed that the ventricular wall of the model is composed of one-layer, elastic and isotropic material. We employed the Windkessel circulation model in order to compute PV diagrams. This paper presents the modeling method of a left heart on FEM, the simulation method, and an online output of the cardiac function calculations without FEM. Realistic trends of a PV diagram before and after left ventricular plasty surgery are computed.



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