Study on Fatigue Behavior of Adhesive-Bonded Butt Joint

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  • 突合せ接着継手の疲労挙動に関する研究(接着層内の気ほうの影響について)
  • ツキアワセ セッチャク ツギテ ノ ヒロウ キョドウ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ
  • 接着層内の気泡の影響について

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For the purpose of the strength evaluation and quality control of adhesive joints, it seems important to obtain the systematic knowledge on the influence of the bonding defects existing in the adhesive on the strength of adhesive-bonded joint, or, in other word, to do research on how the strength behavior of adhesive butt joint is affected by such defects. In this paper, the effect of dispersed bubbles in the adhesive on the fatigue strength of adhesive joint is investigated experimentally under a full reversed push-pull fatigue load condition by using butt joint specimens bonded with epoxy-polyamide adhesive.<br>In order to examine the effect of dispersed air bubbles, two sorts of adhesive manufacturing processes were adopted; one was given degassification treatment to remove bubbles in the adhesive and another was not given degassification treatment to disperse bubbles in the adhesive layer. From the strength behavior on S-N diagram for the adhesive bonded butt joints with these two processes, it was revealed that the fatigue strength of the adhesive joint whose adhesive does not contain bubbles was higher than that of the bubbles dispersed adhesive joint in a relatively low stress cycles range, but the difference of fatigue strength between both joints diminished in a relatively high stress cycles range, and the 107 time strength of the both joints showed close agreement.<br>Furthermore, in order to evaluate such fatigue characters from the view-point of inelastic strain behavior, the total and inelastic strain ranges of the adhesive layer were measured for these two sorts of adhesive joints.<br>As the results, it was found that the values and the variation trends of these strain ranges of the adhesive joint with no bubbles were somewhat different from those of the joint of bubbles dispersed adhesive layer, and detailed discussions from such a view-point were made in this paper.<br>Then, it was confirmed that the cumulative hysteresis energy could not play a role of the fatigue failure criterion, when the adhesive layer condition was different with each other.


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