Experimental investigation on interference effect of notch on strength of notched bar with double U-notches of unequal depth and radius.
- MAJIMA Tamotsu
- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chiba University
- TOBITA Takuro
- Dainippon Printing Co. Ltd.
- KIMIZUKA Yoshiyasu
- Nippon Sigunal Co. Ltd.
- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chiba University
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- Other Title
- 切欠き深さおよび切欠き半径の異なるU形二重切欠き材の強度に及ぼす干渉効果の実験的検討
- キリカキフカサ オヨビ キリカキ ハンケイ ノ コトナル Uガタ 2ジュウ キ
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The interference effect of double symmetrical U-shaped notches of unequal notch depth and/or unequal notch radius on the strengths were investigated experimentally. The notch pitch range in which the general yield strength is reduced was able to be predicted by using the upper and lower bound theorems. The X-shape extension of plastic deformation occurred in the notch pitch range influenced by the interference effect. The notch tensile strength was also reduced by the interference effect. The magnitude of the reduction of notch strength ratio and the notch pitch range influenced by the interfarence effect were almost equal to thoes of the general yield stress ratio, or the ratio of the general yield stress at the net section of the notched bar to that of the smooth bar. The nominal mean stress at the net section at fracture was also reduced by the interference effect. The fracture along the inclined plane connecting two notches situated diagonally was caused by the X-shape extension of plastic deformation in the notch pitch range showing the strong interference effect. The fracture at the net section occurred in the notch potch range showing the weak interference effect. The difference in notch depth has much stronger influence on the interference effect than the difference in notch radius does.
- Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan
Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan 36 (407), 871-877, 1987
The Society of Materials Science, Japan
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001205393100800
- NII Article ID
- 110002301312
- NII Book ID
- AN00096175
- 18807488
- 05145163
- 3138579
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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