Educational effect for the attendance frequency of Radiation Safety Training Course and using Radioisotope

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  • 教育訓練の受講回数とRI使用の有無の教育効果へ与える影響
  • キョウイク クンレン ノ ジュコウ カイスウ ト RI シヨウ ノ ウム ノ キョウイク コウカ エ アタエル エイキョウ

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Radiation safety training course has been started on March, 2001 by Radioisotope Research Center, University of Tokushima. And the RI Center has also given re-training course for three years from 2001 to 2003. In the recent courses, a radiation worker's knowledge and recognition about Radiation Safety Handling was investigated, relating with the attendance frequency of those courses.It was found that the basic radiation safety behavior such as putting on monitoring badge, lab coat still was not understood for some persons. On the other hand, the RI center's radiation safety training course gave a correct knowledge and recognition on the radiation safety for most of radiation workers. Furthermore, the times of the attendance improved about that recognition.


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