A Chronological Study of Color Preference and Color Symbolism

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  • 色彩好悪と色彩象徴の経年比較

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Various chronological studies of color preference and color symbolism have been conducted. For this purpose, female college students served as participants, and the results obtained in July '04 and '05 were compared with those of the author' s previous investigations, which were done with the same method about ten years earlier. In these investigations, each participant chose her personal favorite color, least favorite color, most suited color, and worst suited color for clothing; as well as words associated from color names from fourteen symbolic words: anger, jealousy, crime, eternity, happiness, loneliness, calm, nostalgia, home, love, virginity, dream, uneasiness, and fear. According to the results of these investigations, pink, blue, orange, light greenish blue and yellow were found to be the top five favorite colors, and gray, ocher, violet, pink and red were found to be the worst five. The results also suggested that color preference showed a gradual chronological change, but most color images and color symbol ism did not change significantly.


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