Arterial function during various acute exercises

  • Miura Hajime
    Laboratory for Applied Physiology, Institute of Socio-Arts and Science, University of Tokushima



The decline in arterial function with aging is considered to be part of a physiological process reflecting elevated systolic blood pressure. However, the extent and rate of this decline can be manipulated by habitual exercise. In order to prevent and treat cardiovascular diseases (CVD), various types of exercise are recommended. The purpose of this review is to introduce the current findings on the characteristic features of arterial function during acute exercise. Moderate intensity endurance exercise increases the arterial compliance, which has beneficial effects on arterial function. In contrast to endurance exercise, acute middle-high intensity resistance exercise, or acute eccentric exercise, has unfavorable effects on arterial function. Even in endurance exercise, however, a severe intensity of endurance exercise, such as ultra-marathon races decreases arterial compliance and moderate-intensity-arm-cranking increases arterial stiffness. These findings indicate that, in order to establish an optimal exercise prescription for keeping or improving arterial function, various factors, including the exercise mode, exercise intensity or exercise volume should be taken into consideration.


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