

  • The Flow Properties of Titanium Dioxide Suspensions
  • サンカ チタン ケンダクエキ ノ リュウドウ キョドウ ニ ツイテ



The flow properties of the suspension of titanium dioxide in cane sugar salution were investigated using the following viscometers; a coaxial cylinder viscometer for the lower shearing rate range, the M.K.S. (Maron, Krieger and Sisko) type capillary viscometer for the middle shearing rate range and the NBS (National Bureau of Standard) type capillary viscometer for higher shearing rate range. The volume fraction of the titanium dioxide examined ranged from 20 to 40vol%.<BR>In the higher shearing rate range, the linear relations between the shearing rate and the shearing stress were obtained. This rate range can be called the Newtonian range.<BR>The region where apparent viscosity increases with the shearing rate can be called the dilatant range. On the other hand, dilatancy can he defined by the differential viscosity, because the apparent viscosity has little physical significance in non-Newtonian range.


  • 材料

    材料 17 (175), 282-284, 1968

    公益社団法人 日本材料学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

