

  • Examination on Properties of Road Surface Repair Material of Cold Hardening Type and Simplified Judging Method of Its Hardening Time
  • ジョウオン コウカガタ ロメン ホシュウザイ ノ キソ ブッセイ ト コウカ ジキ ノ カンイ ハンテイ ホウホウ ノ ケントウ



The road surface repair material of cold hardening type was tested on the workability such as self-leveling, hardened properties and hardening time for opening the traffic. The flow test was suitable for testing on self-leveling characteristics and the allowable flow time for the characteristic was 4 to 10seconds and the handling time after mixing was 10minutes at 20degree Celsius. The properties of hardened repair material were almost the same as those of dense grade hot asphalt mixture. The rutting resistance was superior to dense grade hot asphalt mixture. Flexural property and strength of this road repair material were satisfactory for bonding on the existing road surface. The hardening time of this repair material could be evaluated by the durometer with semi-globular shape type of press needle and the hardness for opening the traffic was about 85 at 60minutes after finishing the repair work at 20degree Celsius.


  • 材料

    材料 56 (11), 1010-1015, 2007

    公益社団法人 日本材料学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

