Studies on Thermal Decomposition Process of Lanthanum Hydroxide
- INO Eiji
- Faculty of Engineering, Kansai University
- SHIMIZU Kenichi
- Faculty of Engineering, Kansai University
- YAMATE Tamotsu
- Faculty of Engineering, Kansai University
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- Other Title
- 水酸化ランタンの熱分解過程に関する研究
- スイサンカ ランタン ノ ネツ ブンカイ カテイ ニカンスルケンキュウ サンカ
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As a part of the study on sintering reactions, the thermal decomposition process of La(OH)3 was investigated by using T.G.A., D.T.A. and X-ray diffraction method. From the results thus obtained, the detailed mechanism of the decomposition was inferred.<br>(1) The thermo-gravimetric curves of specimens were obtained in air, N2, and CO2 gas. The thermal decomposition curves showed two stages for La(OH)3. The chemical reactions of these stages were determined as follow.<br>2La(OH)3→2LaO(OH)+2H2O (the initial stage)<br>2LaO(OH)→La2O3+H2O (the second stage)<br>(2) These reactions were found to be first order in various atmospheres. The rate constants for these two decomposition stages in air of La(OH) were represented by<br>k=1016exp(-23000/RT) (the initial stage)<br>k=1025exp(-42000/RT) (the second stage)<br>(3) It was recognized that La(OH)3 became La2O3 at about 600°C in air. The lattice constants of La2O3 obtained were a=3.945Å, c=6.151Å.
- Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan
Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan 25 (279), 1165-1168, 1976
The Society of Materials Science, Japan
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001205418864512
- NII Article ID
- 110002299950
- NII Book ID
- AN00096175
- 18807488
- 05145163
- 1739991
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- JaLC
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