Prediction of dynamic fracture toughness using small specimens.

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  • 小型試験片による動的破壊じん性の推定
  • コガタ シケンヘン ニ ヨル ドウテキ ハカイ ジンセイ ノ スイテイ

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The dynamic fracture toughness is the most critical parameter for the safety assessment of reactor pressure vessels. However, the measurement of the dynamic fracture toughness is very difficult because a special testing facility is required. For engineering use, the development of a method to predict the dynamic fracture toughness from small specimen tests is now strongly desired. One representative method for this aim is to use the correlation between the drop weight NDTT and the dynamic fracture toughness KId as set forth in ASME Code. However, the correlation does not work well because of difficulty in establishing an accurate one by scattering of NDTT due to the bead application on the drop weight specimen and by scattering of KId in the fracture toughness transition region. In this study, by taking account of these sources of scattering, the relationship between NDTT and dynamic fracture toughness was re-examined. The results revealed its definite dependence on the strength of the material used. On the other hand, the correlation between the Charpy index temperature and KId was not sensitive to the strength. This fact demonstrates the advantage of using FATT as the reference temperature to construct a master curve to predict KId. By using the data obtained, a single master curve, which can be used to predict the dynamic fracture toughness from the Charpy V-notch impact test results, was established for A508 Cl.3 and A533 Gr.B Cl.1 steels.


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