Effect of Halides on Anodic Polarization of Zirconium in Ammonium Nitrate Solution

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Transient anodic polarization characteristics of the electropolished zirconium were measured in ammonium nitrate solution containing various amounts of ammonium halides. In a solution free from halides the polarization characteristics, either potentiostatically or galvanostatically, obeyed the so-called logarithmic law which indicated the formation of compact passive layer on the surface. However, an addition of halide brought the zirconium anode into an activated state by accompanying the formation of corrosion pits. From the observation of the pitting potential, it was concluded that the activating ability of halide weakened in the sequence of chloride, bromide and iodide. In comparison with these three halides, the fluoride was more destructive even at relatively small concentration. An oscillation of current or potential was observed in a solution containing fluorides.


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