Corrosion Inhibition Mechanism of Acetylenic Compounds

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  • アセチレン系インヒビターの腐食抑制機構に関する一考察
  • アセチレンケイ インヒビター ノ フショク ヨクセイ キコウ ニ カンスル イチ コウサツ

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Inhibition mechanism of iron corrosion by acetylenic compounds has been investigated by measurements of electrical double layer capacity and polarization curves as well as gravimetric determinations of inhibition efficiency. From the results the following conclusions have been derived.<br>(1) Baba's and Yamamoto's theories that adsorption of acetylenic inhibitors on iron is caused by means of π-electrons can be supported by these experiments.<br>(2) The inhibitors are reversibly adsorbed at anodic potentials and irreversibly at cathodic ones and the adsorption potentials depend on the inhibitor concentration. This supports that the inhibition mechanism of these inhibitors is based on the adsorption rather than polymerization.<br>(3) The fact that these inhibitors are adsorbed to the larger extent at cathodic potential than at anodic one is interpreted by assuming that the inhibitors are synergistically adsorbed with hydrogen radical adsorbed on the iron surface.


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