
  • IKEDA Tatsuya M.
    Laboratory of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University
  • TERACHI Toru
    Institute for National Land Utilization and Development, Kyoto Sangyo University
  • TSUNEWAKI Koichiro
    Laboratory of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University


  • Variations in chloroplast proteins and nucleotide sequences of three chloroplast genes in Triticum and Aegilops.
  • コムギ オヨビ エギロプスゾク ニ オケル ヨウリョクタイ タンパクシツ ノ ヘン



Two alloplasmic wheat lines having the same common wheat nucleus but the cytoplasms of Aegilops crassa and Ae. columnaris together with the corresponding normal line (control) were used in the two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of soluble and thylakoid membrane proteins of the chloroplast. Three chloroplast polypeptides: the Rubisco large subunit, the β subunit of ATP synthase, and an unidentified 31 kDa protein, differed in the common wheat and two Aegilops cytoplasms. Three chloroplast genes, atpB, atpE and trnM, that respectively encode the β and ε subunits of ATP synthase and tRNAmet, were sequenced. The atpB gene differed by two synonymous base substitutions, whereas the other two genes were identical in the two Aegilops cytoplasms. From the predicted amino acid sequences, the β subunits of the ATP synthase in the Aegilops cytoplasms were assumed to have three amino acid substitutions: Ala by Val, Asp- by Ala, and Gin by Lys+, in contrast to the cytoplasm of common wheat. This accounts for the difference in pI values found for the common wheat and Aegilops cytoplasms. The two base substitutions for the atpE genes of common wheat and the Aegilops cytoplasms were synonymous. The differences detected in the genes encoding the two subunits of ATP synthase do not appear to be ascribable to the differences in phenotypic effects for the common wheat and Aegilops cytoplasms. The base substitution rate of the atpB-atpE-trnM gene cluster was similar to that of the rbcL gene. From the rate for the atpB gene alone, evolutionary divergence of the wheat-Aegilops complex is assumed to have begun ca. 3.0×106 years ago, as compared to ca. 8.0×106 years ago for the divergence of the wheat-Aegilops complex and barley.<br>


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