Function Assessment that the Structure Incidentals to Seawall for Spontaneous Environmental Mitigation in the Innermost Region of Osaka Bay

  • MIYOSHI Junya
    National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
  • KOZUKI Yasunori
    Institute of Technology and Science, The University of Tokushima
  • MURAKAMI Hitoshi
    Research Center for Management of Disaster and Environment, The University of Tokushima

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  • 大阪湾奥部における自律的環境修復を促す護岸付帯式海岸構造物の機能評価
  • オオサカワン オクブ ニ オケル ジリツテキ カンキョウ シュウフク オ ウナガス ゴガン フタイシキ カイガン コウゾウブツ ノ キノウ ヒョウカ

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Amagasaki port, which is one of the most polluted sea areas, is located at the innermost region of Osaka Bay. The test structure was set as a vertical seawall for spontaneous environmental mitigation at our suggestion. We investigated the function of this structure for two years. As a result, the biomass of deposit feeder of the test structure is 5.3 times, that of the carnivore is 1.8 times, as many as the vertical structure at the bottom. Deposited bivalves and settling matter containing feces of bivalves ware caught on the shelf of the test structure. It was considered that organic matter was fed by deposit feeder and carnivore. These results show that this technology has some effects to decrease oxygen consumption by organic matter to improve the coastal environment on a continuous.



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