Enhancing Children's Feelings of Self-Affirmation and Changing Their Consciousness of Self: Effects of Experimental Lessons

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  • 自己肯定感促進のための実験授業が自己意識の変化に及ぼす効果
  • ジコ コウテイカン ソクシン ノ タメ ノ ジッケン ジュギョウ ガ ジコ イシキ ノ ヘンカ ニ オヨボス コウカ

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The purposes of the present study were (a) to work out a program aimed at enhancing children's feelings of self-affirmation,(b) to execute experimental lessons with the children, and (c) to assess the effects of these lessons, based on the children's consciousness of self and their behavior. Whether the students were negatively affected by looking at themselves was also examined. Out of 206 5th graders in 6 classes, 4 classes (the experimental group) were given 4 lessons. Just before the lessons, after the lessons, and one month later, the children took the “Who am I?” test, giving ratings of feeling and significance for each description. Their answers were compared with those of another 2 classes (the control group) that did not receive the special lessons. The experimental group showed more positive descriptions and fewer negative ones. However, an influence on behavior was not found. In the group classified by attribution inquiries as self-deprecating, the description of looking at other people negatively decreased significantly.


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