余裕水深決定のための潮汐表の精度-I : 日本の主要5港


  • Accuracy of the Tide Tables for the Determination of the Under-Keel Clearance-I : 5 Main Ports in JAPAN
  • 余裕水深決定のための潮汐表の精度-1-日本の主要5港
  • ヨユウ スイシン ケッテイ ノ タメ ノ チョウセキヒョウ ノ セイド 1 ニ



In order to determine the Under-Keel Clearance in shallow waters, it is required that navigators estimate the sea level from the Tide Tables. Based on the one-year long data at 5 main ports in Japan (Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Kobe, and Shimonoseki Ports), accuracy of the Tide Tables' estimated values, the height and time at high and low water, were examined. The differences between estimated and observed values (observed value minus estimated value) fluctuate with a period of ten some days. The monthly mean of the height difference is positive in spring and autumn, and negative in summer and winter. The monthly mean of the time difference is positive in autumn and negative in spring in Tokyo and Nagoya Ports, but in the other 3 ports the monthly mean fluctuate twice a year. The monthly means of the height and time differences are bigger in Osaka and Kobe Ports than in the other 3 ports.


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