函館におけるオメガ測定値の統計的考察-IV : A-H pair,C-H pairおよびD-H pairの周年傾向


  • Statistical Studies on Omega Measurement at Hakodate IV : The annual peculiarity of the A-H, C-H and D-H pair
  • 函館におけるオメガ測定値の統計的考察-4-A-H pair,C-H pairおよびD-H pairの周年傾向
  • ハコダテ ニ オケル オメガ ソクテイチ ノ トウケイテキ コウサツ 4 A



The purpose of this study was to examine the peculiarity of Omega phase difference all year round. We measured the phase differences of the A-H, C-H and D-H pairs every 30 minutes at the Faculty of Fisheries of Hokkaido University from February 1, 1976 till January 31, 1977. The phenomena can be analyzed sufficiently by Fourier's analysis of the propagation correction every half month. We determined the amplitudes a_n and phases β_n from the follow equation: PPC=a_0+Σ^^<12>__<n=1>a_nsin(nθ+β_n) (θ: U.T.) The coefficients a_0 of the C-H pair were about 15 cecs difference between the published predicted propagation correction and the measured propagation correction through the year but the coefficients a_0 of the other pairs were random values. The standard donations around mean values of the daytime C-H pair each hour were small value, but that of night time C-H pair were not so.


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