On the Statistical Properties of Decometer Readings for Decca-System in the night

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  • デッカ・システムによる夜間測得位置線の統計的特性について-II
  • デッカ・システムによる夜間測得位置線の統計的特性について-2-
  • デッカ システム ニヨル ヤカン ソクトク イチセン ノ トウケイテキ トクセ

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In the former paper, the auther described the statistical properties of Decca-System, and it is found that the random errors for decometer readings consist of much low frequency component and a few high frequency component. In this paper, for discussion of spacial correlation between three observational points (Hakodate, Kushiro, Wakkanai), it is considered that time history of one observational point is the input force of 1 input 1 output dynamic system and the other is the output force of this system. Then for experimental studies on dynamic properties between field strength and decometer readings, it is considered that field strengths of each station (master and slave) are the input forces for 2 inputs 1 output dynamic system and decometer readings is the output force of this system. The main results obtained are summarized as follow-(1) Using the coherency function as giving a measure of linear relation in the frequency domein. it is found that the spacial correlation between three observational points are statistically independent. (2) The value of parameter of distribution function P(η)) of crest is 0.75-0.85 for random error. Also the value of ε of the waveform obeyig the Gaussian process is 0.82. In order to prevent the slip-lane, the standard deviation of random errors is required to be below 0.45 lane. (3) Using partial coherency and multiple coherency function, it is found that time history of field strengths (master and slave) and decometer readings are statistically independent, especially in a low frequency range where power spectra have most of the energy concentrated.


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