The Economical Potential of a Nuclear-powered Merchant Ship Sailing via the Northern Sea Route

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  • 北極海航路を航行する原子力商船の経済的可能性
  • 北極海航路を航行する原子力商船の経済的可能性〔含 質疑応答〕
  • ホッキョクカイ コウロ オ コウコウスル ゲンシリョク ショウセン ノ ケイザ

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In recent years, major maritime nations such as Japan, Russia and Norway have been investigating the use of the NSR (Northern Sea Route) as a sea route between the Far East and Europe, linking the eastern and western parts of the Eurasian continent. In this study, as part of the examination of suitable merchant ships for the NSR, we make an economic comparison between diesel container ships taking the Suez Canal route and NSR nuclear-powered icebreaking container ship carrying the MRX (Marine Reactor X), which is currently being developed at the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. Compared to diesel container ships going via the Suez Canal, the transportation cost of NSR nuclear-powered container ship in the first year after commissioning is 40-110% higher and the RFR (Required Freight Rate) is 10-70% higher. If the nuclear reactor in nuclear-powered container ship, which is the reason for higher cost, were replaced by the cassette-type MRX, the reusability of the MRX would reduce this cost difference between nuclear-powered and diesel ships. The study also shows that in terms of the total cost including sales opportunity costs, NSR nuclear-powered container ship can compete sufficiently with diesel container ships on the Suez Canal route.



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