

  • Analysis of existing disqualified housing relocation in sediment disaster special alert areas
  • ドシャ サイガイ トクベツ ケイカイ クイキ ニ オケル キソン フテキカク ジュウタク イテン ノ カダイ



<p>Based on the sediment-related disaster prevention law established in 2000, special sediment-related disaster hazard areas are being created across the country. However, analyses of methods to implement a policy from this law regarding the relocation of houses from sediment disaster special alert areas have not been completed until relatively recently. In Japan, damage from sediment disasters is a concern due to heavy rains. Therefore, it is necessary to rationally consider housing relocation as a preventative measure to protect residents from sediment disasters. This study analyzed past results, administrative issues, and the considerations of residents related to housing relocation. In addition, support programs for relocating houses in special sediment-related disaster hazard areas were examined. Finally, these analyses were used to examine the correspondence necessary for housing relocation and proposed methods of supporting the policy for existing disqualified houses.</p>


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