Detection of the cortical swallowing area by means of magnetencepharography

  • MATSUYAMA Katsuya
    Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine Kyushu University
  • UMEZAKI Tosirou
    Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine Kyushu University
  • ADACHI Kazuo
    Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine Kyushu University
  • YAMAMOTO Tomoya
    Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine Kyushu University
  • KOMIYAMA Sohtaro
    Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine Kyushu University

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Other Title
  • 嚥下時の大脳皮質神経活動の脳磁図による検討

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It has been generally accepted that the cerebral cortex activity which initiate the swallowing movement has an influence not only on the oral stage of swallowing but on the central pattern generator for the pharyngeal swallowing which is reflexively evoked by peripheral afferents. However, neither the location nor the role of the swallowing cortex has been clarified. Therefore, we identified the swallowing cortical area which showed neural activities prior to pharyngeal swallowing by means of magnetoencephalography (MEG), and we discussed the role of the cortical area. We recorded MEG activities on the skull surface of six normal volunteers during 32 consective swallowing. The signals were averaged with the trigger signal of the onset of the thyrohyoid muscle activities. Then the equivalent current dipoles (ECD) were calculated and identified on the cerebral cortex. The region of the ECD, which became unclear after topical application of the local anesthetics to the pharyngeal mucosa, was localized in the area adjacent to the caudal most part of the motor cortex. Thus activities of the cortical swallowing area are estimated to have a robust influence on the initiation of the pharyngeal swallowing.


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