Effects of Various Heating Conditions on the Appearance, Physical Properties, and Radical Scavenging Activity of Spelt Bread Samples

  • Akaishi (Kita) Noriko
    Graduate school of Tokyo Kasei University, Domestic science research course
  • Nagao Keiko
    Graduate school of Tokyo Kasei University, Domestic science research course

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Other Title
  • スペルト小麦パンの外観・物性・機能性に及ぼす加熱条件の影響


Bread samples were prepared under different heating conditions with spelt wheat, which is rich in nutrients and thought to be hypoallergenic, and the appearance, physical properties, and health functions of the samples were examined. The specific volume was highest for bagel, in which the inner part of the dough was preliminarily heated by boiling, when compared with the samples made under other heating conditions. In respect of the color of the bread samples prepared by dry heating, the a* and b* values were increased and the L* value decreased by the Maillard reaction. The rupture energy was high, particularly with baking and microwave cooking, but low for bagel (boiling and baking), and with frying and steaming. The presence of water within the crust and crumb was strongly associated with the physical properties of the bread. The antioxidative activity of common wheat was lost by heating. In contrast, that of spelt wheat did not decrease and its stability was high. A difference in the molecular weight distribution of proteins according to the kind of wheat flour and the heating condition was observed in the region of 37-50 kDa between spelt and common wheat, and the band in the region of 10-15 kDa was absent after baking and steaming.


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