

  • Study on Possibility of Video Streaming of Chalk and Talk Lectures via LMS as Review Materials
  • LMS ジョウ デ ハイシン スル ハンショガタ ジュギョウ オ シュウロク シタ ビデオ ノ フクシュウ キョウザイ ト シテ ノ カノウセイ ノ ケントウ



<p>In this paper, we discuss the possibility of video streaming simply recorded “chalk and talk” lectures as review materials via LMS. We have recorded chalk and talk lectures in a course conducted by the first author and streamed them as review materials over the Internet via the LMS of our university for several years. On reviewing the view history of the videos, we found that more than 10% of the students accessed the videos of the course, as the LMS became widely used among the students, and even some of the students accessed every single video. Therefore, in this study, we investigated how often students watched the lecture videos of the course. We also surveyed student evaluations of it, their purpose for watching the lecture videos, and how they watched them. We found that most of the students browsed parts of the lectures of which they felt they had some difficulty in understanding or where they wanted to learn more. Finally, we confirmed the possibility of video streaming lectures via LMS, as review materials, even if they were simply recorded videos of conducted lectures.</p>




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