

  • Family and Corporate Factors in Farm-Management Succession
  • シンポジウム論文 農業経営の継承における家族的要素と企業的要素 : 東北における大規模水田作経営を主たる対象として
  • シンポジウム ロンブン ノウギョウ ケイエイ ノ ケイショウ ニ オケル カゾクテキ ヨウソ ト キギョウテキ ヨウソ : トウホク ニ オケル ダイキボ スイデンサク ケイエイ オ シュタル タイショウ ト シテ
  • 東北における大規模水田作経営を主たる対象として



<p>Up until recently, farming in Japan was undertaken by traditional, small-scale, family-managed farms. However, these farms are facing a management crisis owing to the absence of successors. On the other hand, some of Japan’s family-managed paddy field farms have expanded their size rapidly in recent years from tens of hectares to many hundreds of hectares, and large-scale employment-type farms employing a large number of workers are emerging. In this study, I investigated target cases from the Tohoku Region focusing on large-scale paddy field farm management that is progressing towards commercialization, and consider the kind of changes that are taking place in the management succession of farms that have, until recently, been characterized by traditional family management.</p><p>So far, research into farm management has tended to strongly emphasize the limits of family management and to present an outlook for succession by non-farming employees. However, various survey data indicate that succession within the family is still largely predominant, even within farms that utilize company-style, corporate style management. From the results of an analysis of six case studies of extremely large-scale farms ranging from 30 to 100 hectares in the Tohoku region, it was evident that in each case, the successor was from within the family and that, as a new trend, several children were engaged in farming work. An observed trend is for these children to become executives and managers at an early stage of their careers and to be placed on a management “fast track” (selection as a manager at an early stage in one’s career). This is similar to what is seen in companies in general. These farms accumulate “experience for growth” in order to train for leadership can be considered significant. However, when the hierarchal management system is formed through management growth, it is more likely to foster highly talented employees with a management sense. Thus, in the management succession for large-scale paddy field farms, strengthening the family and corporate elements and deciding how to coordinate these two elements is considered to be an important future issue.</p>


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