Web Training-system Promoting Self-regulation of Pace for Stable Running

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  • ランニングの自己ペース調整を支援するWeb訓練システム
  • ランニング ノ ジコ ペース チョウセイ オ シエン スル Web クンレン システム

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<p>This paper proposes a web-based environment that helps runners' self-regulation of pace for stable running. The objective of the support is to promote physical-skill awareness which stabilizes their heart-rate by adjustments of their pace during running. In this scenario, runners are given recommended heart-rate zone individually in order to follow it. In training, runners exercise with GPS (Global Positioning System) and HRM (Heart Rate Monitor). They refer to the pace-simulation system with a map-based annotation after running. Annotations are generated automatically through analysis of their log data. They indicate sections of improvements on the course and promote comprehension about the relationship between runners' heart-rate and pace through consideration of environmental factors. Finally, the system helps runners to reflect upon their regulation of pace toward the next training. We conducted the experiment. The result shows that the system promotes runners' heart-rate stabilization through awareness about the self-regulation of their pace.</p>


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