A study on stabilization of operation time for hydraulic operating circuit breaker (Stability of hydraulic operation stabilizing system holding constant high pressure)

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  • 遮断器用油圧操作装置の動作時間安定に関する研究(常時高圧保持による動作安定方式の安定性)


Stability of a hydraulic operation stabilization system during valve returning motion was investigated by the measurement and numerical analysis of the hydraulic circuit. Inadequate selection of hydraulic circuit constants causes the returning motion unstable and valves repeat open-close motion periodically. Hydraulic circuit constants related to the valve returning motion were set as parameter and analyzed. The volume of the back space of a discharge valve which is connected with hydraulic return circuit is important on the motion stability, and hydraulic vibration occurs by the combination of the volume with other hydraulic circuit constants. The reach of the constants which influence the motion stability was considered. The small volume and proper selection of other hydraulic circuit constants make a hydraulic operation stabilizing system stable.


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